My Blogs

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Tuberose Chicken

I always look for something to improve my experiments with foods. A few days back, watched the movie Bacuse I said so and there in one seen the character Milly said to the little kid that the flowers of the bouquet were edible. Her words gave me the idea & I started looking in internet. There it was! So many recipes (mainly desserts) with flowers.

This weekend I wanted to prepare something with chicken but I could not find any recipe with chicken & rose/ tuberose (these two are very much available near my house :) )
So I tried this one on my own & it came out very tasty. My friend liked it & we are planning to have it on next weekend with some other friends :) .

(Sorry for the picture quality)


3 tablespoons cooking oil
250 g chicken, peeled the skin, leaving the tail
1 capsicum, chopped
50 grams of tuberose flowers, soaked in warm water, 1 tomato
1 tea spoon salt
1 tsp coriander powder
2 onions
8 cloves of garlic


1. Heat oil, add garlic paste, chopped onions & saute until the onion becomes soft.
2. Add  chicken, cook until it changes color
3. Add capsicum, tomato, tuberose flowers & mix well
4. Add turmeric powder,  coriander powder , salt. Simmer on low fire. 
5. Add the tuberose soaked water. Add more water if you want more curry. Stir and cover. Cook on medium fire until chicken is soft & desired amount of curry is there.
6. Server with rice or roti.

Enjoy :)

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